New Law to Correct Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixture Requirement

sink by dillon

Here’s a new law passed by the California Legislature that may impact you as a homeowner, home seller or home buyer.

Correction to Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixture Requirements

Existing law that erroneously requires, starting January 1, 2014, the replacement of noncompliant plumbing fixtures in a “commercial residential real property” when making certain building alterations has been corrected to apply to “commercial real property” instead. As background, water-conserving plumbing fixtures are required for single family residences starting in 2017 (unless the property is remodeled as specified on or after January 1, 2014) and multifamily residential real property and commercial real property starting in 2019 (unless property is remodeled as specified on or after January 1, 2014).

Article is courtesy of the CAR Legal Department. Senate Bill 745 (codified as Cal. Civil Code § 1101.5) (effective January 1, 2014)

Photo courtesy of Dillon Scheps