Tag Archives: investors

Foreclosure Activity Declines Hurting Investors

Here is the latest report from foreclosureradar.com

Foreclosure Starts declined across our coverage area wiping out the small gains in new foreclosure filings last month. In California, Notice of Default filings are down 69.8 percent from the peak in March 2009, and 15.8 percent from April 2011. Notice of Trustee Sale Filings, the start of Arizona’s foreclosure process, are down 59.4 percent from the peak in March 2009, and down 8.0 percent year-over-year. read more

Short Sale Timelines

Pursuing a short sale is often thought of as a painstaking process, and it’s not uncommon to hear of complaints about slow responses from servicers and last minute rejections on offers. Fortunately, not all lenders/servicers are the same when it comes to dealing with short sales, and Realty Trac compiled a list of data revealing which institutions tend to move through the process quicker and for less. read more