Tag Archives: moving to ventura

Foreclosure Activity Declines Hurting Investors

Here is the latest report from foreclosureradar.com

Foreclosure Starts declined across our coverage area wiping out the small gains in new foreclosure filings last month. In California, Notice of Default filings are down 69.8 percent from the peak in March 2009, and 15.8 percent from April 2011. Notice of Trustee Sale Filings, the start of Arizona’s foreclosure process, are down 59.4 percent from the peak in March 2009, and down 8.0 percent year-over-year. read more

Just Listed Ventura Homes

The agent caravan today was slim pickins’ with so little inventory. But just when you thought there was nothing really out there, I found two surprise properties.

In mid-town Ventura you’ll find a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home which has a 2 bedroom property behind the house. What makes this so special is that the back house has its own entrance so it is perfect for a separate office, art studio, guest quarters, in-law house, artist studio. Both rooms are  very spacious and one is currently set up as a living room.  You could probably rent it for around $1,100 a month which would offset your mortgage. The house in back even has its own beautiful green lawn! read more

Ventura’s Supply and Demand

Real Estate Parcels are Unique and Finite:

You cannot fill a real estate supply shortage by manufacturing more identical units. Each piece is different and there is a finite supply. It’s not a manufactured commodity. Though you might be able to create more condos in a give space, the space itself is unique and cannot grow to accomodate a short supply.

Real Estate Cannot be Moved to Fill Shortages:

If there is a shortage of land for homes in a given area, you cannot move in more land to alleviate the shortage. Real estate is where it sits. For this reason, it will always be a local commodity influenced by local conditions.

Over-supply Means Lower Prices:

Because of the first two items above, you can usually expect there to be a fall in prices when there is an over-supply of homes or land in a given area. You cannot move the overage to another area to keep prices stable.

Under-supply Means Higher Prices:

If there isn’t enough land or homes in a given area, then prices will almost always rise. Even if there is the ability to construct more homes, the time delay cannot fill the demand and prices will rise.

Always Remember that Real Estate is a Local Business:

We all read about trends in interest rates, national home price trends, new housing starts and many more economic indicators that influence the real estate markets. It will serve the real estate professional well to keep up with this information, but to always keep in mind that this is a local business. There can be many forces influencing your local market that will have little or no impact in other areas, and vice versa.Supply and demand in real estate isn’t as easy to balance as it is in manufactured commodities. Making more takes time, and there may not be room to make that happen in any given area. You can’t move it to where the buyers are. read more

Earth Day

In 1969, the devastating images of a massive oil spill from an oil platform off Santa Barbara’s coast galvanized California into action and caught the attention of the rest of the nation, including Senator Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day, who visited Santa Barbara shortly after the spill. The resulting swell of outrage and concern gave rise to the first Earth Day in 1970, as well as to the creation of the Community Environmental Council – one of the most established environmental organizations in the region, and the host of Santa Barbara’s annual Earth Day Festival. read more